Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Closing Date 2016

The Irwin Estates Community Pool closes on Monday Oct 3rd 2016
Gate key will be changed and work projects planned for the off-season.
See you around Memorial Day 2017!


Friday, June 24, 2016

Our swimming pool has been over-crowded from 1 - 4 PM daily! To make things more enjoyable for pool members, the board has recommended limiting your guests to 4 or less. Pool members are required to be present with their guests. This guest limit will be in our rules next year. Please consider swimming earlier or later in the day for everyone's safety and enjoyment. Thanks!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Opening Day Pictures May 28, 2016

Pool Parties this summer 2016

Hello! We have a private pool party on Sat June 4th from 1-3 PM

Other private pool parties are:

Sat June 18th from 5-7 PM
Wed  June 29th from 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Sat July 9th from 5 to 7 PM

Please swim before or after these parties. Thanks

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Swimming Pool opens Saturday May 28, 2016

Free Swim Day from 12 noon to 4 PM. Board members will be available so you can purchase your pool key for the summer. Family membership is $160, seniors only for $110.

We are a non-profit volunteer board managed swimming pool and appreciate your support to keep our pool open well into the future.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Email for the Irwin Estates Swimming Pool

Feel free to contact the Irwin Estates Swimming Pool Board at: